

Sundays at Central at 8:30AM and Sundays at East at 10:30AM


Weddings at Central Freeborn and East Freeborn are worship services focused on God.   We are both participants and spectators in these events.

Marriage is a lifelong covenant of faithfulness between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:18-24).   It is grounded in God's steadfast love, modeled in Covenant (Ephesians 5:21-23).  In accordance with our understanding of this covenant and in accordance with our church's understanding of "bound conscience" (Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust (pages 20-21) under the teaching of scripture, we will not host same-gender unions (weddings) either on our property or offsite.

Because we care about care about couples and the commitment of marriage, we are strongly committed to pre-marital counseling.  You are invited to call the church office of either Central or East to set up an appointment with the Pastor.

Any final decisions regarding worship, music and liturgy rest with the pastor and organist or accompanist.   Both reserve the right to refuse to perform a wedding if s/he feels that s/he cannot in good conscience be involved.

To inquire about being married call our respective church offices.

Central Freeborn Church Office:

(507) 826-3346

East Freeborn Church Office:

(507) 256-7665