

Sundays at Central at 8:30AM and Sundays at East at 10:30AM

Baptism: What it is and isn't:

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Infant Baptism

The Baptism of a baby is a beautiful tradition in the Christian Church. However, there is more to it than just tradition. It is a time to welcome your child to Jesus and bring them into the Christian faith and a promise in front of a congregation along with your intent to raise your child in the faith. Therefore it is our hope and prayer that this act of God will partner parents with the church to help you do this. In fact, we believe that baptism is God's hand forming the church.  Together we work with Holy Spirit to fan into flame the fire of faith in your child.

In order to do so, it is essential first that parents are regularly worshiping and active in their faith. During the actual baptism itself, parents will be asked to make a commitment:

  • Will you faithfully bring your child to worship, teach him/her the Lord’s Prayer, the creeds, the Ten Commandments, place in his/her hands the Holy Scriptures and provide for his/her instruction in the Christian faith?

It is through Baptism that God makes great promises to you and your child individually - of forgiveness of sin and of adoption as children.  And God is sure to keep the promises made. An active and intentional practice of faith is at the fruit of baptism.   

Oftentimes, we have the privilege of baptizing older children. Usually, the pastor works individually with the child to prepare them for baptism. We recommend that parents attend the baptism workshop. We baptize adults too.

Adult Baptism

Christian baptism is the starting point of a life lived in a relationship with God through Christ. In baptism, you are plugged into the source of God’s love and power—the greatest resource available to the world.  Simply put: Grace is the constant through our Christian walk.

Baptism is a community event and is typically conducted during worship services. When you are baptized, you are brought into a caring community that promises to stand with you as you either raise your child in this challenging world or live as a Christian in an unchristian world. Baptism is offered to all ages—infants to adults.

How do I get started?

Begin to worship regularly.
Attend a Baptism Workshop with our Pastor.
Schedule a baptism date.
Continue to worship with us

At the heart of the Christian faith is regular worship. We believe community worship is essential to a balanced Christian life. Therefore, we ask that this be a normal part of your spiritual journey prior to baptism.

It is not necessary that you be a member in order to be baptized or have your child(ren) baptized. However, since baptism is the beginning of a person’s spiritual life within our community, you become a member through baptism. 

If you would like more information,  we ask that you contact the church or Pastor Matt. 

Central Freeborn Church Office

(507) 826-3346

East Freeborn Church Office

(507) 256-7665